Browse real-life experiences
with Preceon®.
Change takes courage. Get to know the farmers who are now part of one of the biggest transformations in corn growing – we call them Groundbreakers. And this year, for the first time, they are planting Short Stature Corn.
Learn about their challenges and what they experienced with Preceon.
Browse the videos along the season cycle:
Planting experiences
The future of agriculture is smart.
Learn about Preceon from a fellow corn grower: Mauro Vercellone talks about what he sees as the biggest future threats in corn growing and how Preceon can help mitigate those threats – while keeping his farm profitable.
Silage Farmer | ITALY

“Today I believe in the future,
in a technological future,
in a smart future.”
Mauro Vercellone, Agrinova Farm Owner
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The future of agriculture is smart.
Learn about Preceon from a fellow corn grower: Mauro Vercellone talks about what he sees as the biggest future threats in corn growing and how Preceon can help mitigate those threats – while keeping his farm profitable.
Silage Farmer | ITALY

“We have embraced the
Bayer Smart Corn innovation
and we have big expectations.“
Federico Tambalo, Finato Martinati Farm Agronomist
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Early adopters win.
The Groundbreakers are a special kind of growers: They are the first to test our new Smart Corn System. See what our Groundbreakers Guido Finato Martinati, Paola Aguzzi and Federico Tambalo have to say about Preceon Smart Corn System. And learn why the courage to invest early in new opportunities can pay off.
Grain farmer | Spain

“We’re excited to see
the outcome, their potential.”
Luis Casasnovas Sr., Peralta de Alcofea, Spain
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Short corn, big expectations.
Luis Casasnovas and his son are third- and fourth-generation farmers and ranchers. Located in the northeast of Spain, water management is a huge issue for them. This season, they put their faith into Short Stature Corn, and their first impression is promising. Watch their experience.
Mid-season experiences
Courage pays off:
Luis Casasnovas‘ mid-season report.
Luis Casasnovas was skeptical at first, trying a novel variety of corn. See how Short Stature Corn has dispelled his doubts already by the middle of the season. Moreover, he and his son talk about the benefits and improvements of bringing together digital farming and physical products in corn growing.
Grain farmer | Spain

“Being shorter allows for the
crop to flourish, resulting in a
higher productive ceiling.”
Luis Casasnovas Jr., Peralta de Alcofea, Spain
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Courage pays off:
Luis Casasnovas‘ mid-season report.
Luis Casasnovas was skeptical at first, trying a novel variety of corn. See how Short Stature Corn has dispelled his doubts already by the middle of the season. Moreover, he and his son talk about the benefits and improvements of bringing together digital farming and physical products in corn growing.
Silage farmer I Italy

“I believe that the future holds
many challenges for farming.
First and foremost, sustainability.“
Emma Cogrossi, Lombardy, Italy
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The future is coming: Emma Cogrossi´s mid-season report.
Emma Cogrossi’s curiosity was piqued when she heard about the Smart Corn System. She and her family are keen to keep pace with technology. Watch her talk about the challenges of future agriculture and how the Smart Corn System fits perfectly into her family philosophy.
Harvesting experiences
Impressing on and off the field.
Innovating Dairy Farming with Preceon: Our Groundbreaker Manuel Lugli from Fondo Spinosa Farm shares his experience with Preceon and highlights its positive effects on his herd’s nutrition and farm sustainability – economically as well as ecologically.
Silage farmer I Italy

“The cultivation of Short Stature Corn
in the field has been undoubtedly positive.”
Manuel Lugli, Spinosa, Italy
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Impressing on and off the field.
Innovating Dairy Farming with Preceon: Our Groundbreaker Manuel Lugli from Fondo Spinosa Farm shares his experience with Preceon and highlights its positive effects on his herd’s nutrition and farm sustainability – economically as well as ecologically.
Grain farmer | Spain

“We found that the irrigation coverage,
since it is a shorter plant, was perfect.”
Luis Casasnovas, Peralta de Alcofea (Huesca), Spain
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Less irrigation, more grain.
Discover the advantages of Preceon from the perspective of fellow grain farmers. Luis Casasnovas and his son talk about its beneficial aspects from growth to harvest – and how Preceon has changed the way they think about grain.